Tuesday, February 03, 2009

25 Random things

I was motivated into writing this after reading my sisters notes and she in fact pushed me into writing this.
1. I hate writing about myself. So this might turn up very cryptic. Is that a negative way to start things... pessimistic or cynical? So for the next 24 random things about myself i will be more positive.

2.I am married to a lovely lady - Mitali and have two sons - Aditya and Raghav. I Love my family. I cant do without them.

3. I like to travel around and am happy that my naukri caters for most of my traveling. I have seen more exotic places in India than i could have imagined as a kid.

4. And when i travel i like to try out local food. I am of the firm opinion that you cant get the feel of a place until you try out the local cuisine. No point in having a masala dosa when you go to a Tibetan shack... better try the thupka or the momos.

5. I love kids. And i have this boring personality which helps in putting any and every baby off to sleep. Though i like to think that they find my aura soothing ;-)

6. I get these sudden urges to write and i love it when i get them. Though it doesn't happen as often as i would like it to. I write from anything to everything, even a vikram seth like prose in poetry.

7. I like to have things in order, though this habit of mine has been pretty much spoilt by Mitali as she is the one who keeps things in order at home. So nowadays when i am alone, things pile up when i suddenly get this fit of orderliness and set things in shape.

8. I like to stay fit. I am firm believer of the fact that the only way to stay fit is to exercise. Dieting is for the weak willed.

9. I like trying my hand at cooking stuff. And most of what i cook i cant replicate.

10. I like to stay abreast of technology. Even though i don't understand much of what is said or written I try my best to try and find out whats the latest.

11. I like to read. Mom and Dad got me into this habit of reading when i was a kid down with jaundice, and i am glad they did it. Today I read anything and everything. Though i have enjoyed almost everything i read my good friend chax will always crib that i didn't appreciate "Smilla's sense of snow".

12. Photography. I love taking pictures. thanks to the digital camera i can now take as many pics as i want. i feel pictures help me in remembering the good times and the fun times especially the times with family. and nothing like 'hard copies' or prints to browse through to remember those good old days.

13. I love having a cup of green / leaf tea early in the morning with Mitali. Sitting in the balcony / garden feeling the freshness of the morning refreshes me like nothing else.

14. I love flying. The magical feeling of a few tons of steel lifting off the ground has held me to this great profession since i was a kid. There is nothing like flying and there never will be anything like it.

15. I love calvin and hobbes. Though we do blame our son, Aditya's naughty streak on Mitali's reading calvin and hobbes when she was carrying.

16. I believe in the power of the mind. What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

17. I don't drink alcohol. Reason - It is a challenge not to drink in the profession I am in, when most around me, my very good friends drink. I have resisted it in my welcomes, farewells and wining out (even at the cost of appearing a boor)

18. I am not very good at communicating verbally with people; and i am told that because of this lots of people misunderstand me. It has been my endeavor to improve my verbal skills. Unfortunately i take time getting to know people and to open up. But the intention to improve is there.

19. I hate watching TV, but it doesn't prevent me from vegetating in front of the TV. Its what i resort to for taking my mind off stuff. Though the preferred medium is music and books.

20. I love to contribute to the environment. I cannot be called a hardcore environmentalist but i like to do my bit when and where i can.

21. I used to be an idealist a long long time ago. Today i have accepted the world with a little bit of cynicism but would still like to believe that tomorrow will be a better day.

22. My dream is to become a bush pilot. Will i ever have the courage to leave the security of a steady job and take up bush flying? i don't know but i don't think it should stop me from dreaming big.

23. I love nature. National parks, reserve forests and wildlife i would visit anytime. And i prefer these places to big cities any day. I dislike metros for their chaos, noise and fast pace.

24. My favorite books are Alchemist and Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I would have liked to give only one favorite book but i couldn't decide which one i feel influenced me more. That and the IF poem which hung over my study table in NDA which, every time i am at a tough cross road, i remember.

25. I did not think i would open myself up to 25 points. I told my sister that i couldn't write 25 things about myself so the last point i will not put as a point but just a note.

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