Monday, December 01, 2008

Mumbai terror attacks 1

I am sure all of us are as surprised at what has happened in Mumbai as the rest of the country (save those few inactive ppl who knew but chose to ignore it)... the accountability of the system is being questioned by all and i don’t propose to join the bandwagon.
We all know and agree that there is something wrong with the systems, especially the political one, one thing leads to the other, a dead political system leads to a dead bureaucracy, and a dying policing system. People are right in questioning the effectiveness of the cops with lathis and 303 rifles against terrorists armed with AKs, but while we voice our opinion for the powers to be to listen, we must also appreciate the fact that they are doing so unquestioningly.
How’s, whys etc will be answered in the near future, at least it will seem to be answered. The news will die down in a week or two. It will only remain in the memories of the few who have lost their near and dear ones. So what happens next? We sit and wait for the next 'breaking news'? Or crib and cry that the system is not doing anything, or isn’t good enough? Is that it? Guys, we are no longer the generation of tomorrow, we are the present of this country. If the system isn’t doing anything, it is because of us, all of us collectively have to take the responsibility for all that is happening in our country. Raising our voices is one bit, making it heard is another? In our respective capabilities we influence the future of our country. first thing is vote, and vote for someone you think is likely to do something for the country... I read somewhere that in case you do not find anybody worth it, you cross the entire list or there is an option at the bottom of the EVM. if more than some percentage of ppl exercise their vote to no one then the election is considered null and void. Maybe that would give our politicians something to think about.
Next, we don’t get carried away by the political posturing, and take our own intelligent decisions. I still remember that when we were in school there was no 'which part of the country you are from?', 'what is your caste?' etc... Today we are being divided on these very issues, why? Can’t we, as today’s generation, stand together and say that we are not interested in this crap... show us development and progress!
That is about all I can think of today, to repair the damage that is being done to our country... why don’t we discuss and put our minds together and think of something?

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